Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Um, Ya... it'a been a while. I've been SUPER busy! BUT... GET OUT THERE AND TRI!!! Marc and Matty just completed their 4th and 1st Tri's.

When you have a 10 year old who runs his butt off, after biking and swimming in the freaking cold, and then goes back on the coarse to cheer his little "Bro Bro" on, your heart melts. It melts all over again when your baby (Ok, he's 5), crosses the finish line with a FAT smile telling every person he saw, "I WON! I DID IT! I WON!" It was a great morning.
Almost to the finish line
Running his little butt off!
Outta the water for Marc
Outta the water for Matty Matt
Matty signing at his spring concert "Love"

My Fav... He's signing "Jesus"